i have been chained to the computer and will not be released until i
update this blog.
so here is a brief update of what i have been occupying my time with:
1. knitting
2. sewing
3. crochet
4. panicking about the stuff i will be selling a market coming up soon
5. thinking about what i will make to sell
6. panicking
7. thinking
8. working
9. cycling
10. occasionally catching the bus
on thursday night we went to a pub and saw a free gig - it was
pointed out to me that it really wasn't free as i bought a drink. BUT
as i would have bought a drink if i had paid to see the gig, then the
money spent on the drink is irrelevant and its still a free gig,
which is excellent. the same musician is going to be playing this
week as well, so i'm going back - like i said its a free gig! i will
also be taking my knitting/crocheting much to the dismay of any
friends who may come along.
i have bought some really beautiful hand dyed yarn, the colours of
which were based on WA wildflowers. i haven't decided what i am going
to make with it, but i think it will be a circular shawl i have seen
in one of the many knitting books i possess.
the week before last i bought the quokka (WA equivalent of the
trading post), and i found a lady giving away free spinning wool
(i.e. wool which has not yet be turned into yarn to knit with).
Unfortunately someone else had called before me and had taken most
of the wool, but this lady had 1 bag left and was deciding whether
to give it away. luckily for me she decided the wool needed a new
home, and i became the proud owner of a small (translation quite big
if you ask me) bag of NZ wool (light brown). i'll put up some photos,
as the yarn has a lovely natural colour which will be awesome when i
actually learn to spin! plans are in place to join the guild next
year, and i have been told of a group that meets on tuesdays and
spins, and would be happy to teach me for free (gold coin donation to
get in), and they have wheels.... i'll have to look into it and find
out the catch!
i have told a few people my plans for the market and what i am going
to sell etc and i am a bit frustrated by people's responses (but of
course everyone is different and most likely a lot of people won't
like what i am making - thankfully they are not the people i will be
selling to (i hope...)). One person struggled with the idea that i
can't make and sell stuff using someone else's pattern as that is
effectively cheating/plagiarism of their idea. Another suggested that
i make singlets for babies/kids with motifs sewn on them like
butterflies/flowers etc (just like everyone at almost every market in
sydney.....). to clarify for anyone reading who doesn't get it - i
want to design my own stuff to sell. rather simple. it's not going to
be christmasy as there is too much of that stuff already, and it's
not going to be for babies - as a) i don't have a baby and clothes/
stuff for them doesn't interest me & b) everyone else is doing stuff
like that. of course there might be people out there doing stuff like
me. who knows, i might find out at my market stall. see how it goes.
i'll share some photos soon of what i have chosen to make.
until then
Sophie Jennings