Friday, October 05, 2007

i am thinking of changing sites as blogger is absolutely useless - i just spent 10 min trying to use another useless program (i-photo - mac only), and then this stupid site can't upload 5 images.


on a happier note - flo and i had a great time at wave rock. wonderful music, great people (well 6 that we met, the rest were a bit ho-hum), a really cool salt pool - man made and not a good sign for the environment but still cool, and an interesting rock formation that looks like a wave and has interesting sound amplification/reflection properties.

mum is flying over RIGHT THIS MINUTE to visit perth and WA for the first time ever. we're going to head down to margaret river next week, and get sloshed at a few of the many wineries. if this program decides to behave i will have some photos.

not much else to report, but i would love to here from all of you over in sydney, or wherever you happen to be reading from.

over and out

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sophie AND JULIE!!! How are you and what are you up to in Perth and Margaret River?

I am sooooo jealous.

Have a wonderful time together.

xxoo love C and C and GR