Monday, December 24, 2007

update # 14

greetings to all from sydney. i am currently staying with my parents and madly trying to see friends while i am here, as i know that probably no one will be able to make it to the west next year due to other commitments in life.

i've been having a great time while i am here, and have managed to fit in some time for craft - i made a table runner for my aunt, and a few things (beanies and gloves) for friends in cold countrys. which reminds me that i need some cardboard for pom-pom making.

i have managed to do some op-shopping and when i get home i will share my treasures!

we visited my dad's parents yesterday in wollongong, and came back with a lot more stuff that we brought down - including for me: two hand-painted mini portugese soup dishes, a small glass pot (a gift my grandma got for here 21st), and a glass jug. my dad came back with a pile of books, and glass panels from his grandfather's front door (this is a hint to flo that hoarding is a genetic disease and its not my fault). and mum came back with an old singer sewing machine. mum summed up their place quite well by stating it is like "Aladin's cave". honestly, everytime you go down you think it can't be possible for more stuff to appear, but then "poof" out of nowhere things just seem to appear!

i'd better go as we have to head up the mountains soon.

happy christmas.

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